Here's a nice show to kickstart the 'Series' section...
Hustle is a four season British series which features an unlikely group of con artists, situated in London, and their ‘adventures’. Conceived by Bharat Nalluri (who also directed a few episodes), the series owes its popularity to creator and script writer Tony Jordan. Though the episode directors change at random, the show manages to retain its quality.
The group in question comprises five major players: Mickey, Danny, Albert, Ash and Stacie. Mickey (Adrian Lester) is the mastermind behind all the cons and is the leader of the gang. Out with a vengeance to get the system that eventually killed his father, he is well versed in the art of the long con and is an expert at ‘covering all the angles’. Danny (Marc Warren), the new recruit, doesn’t have a fixed position and dons various roles under Mickey’s tutelage. A consummate short conner, Danny is always found vying for Mickey’s leadership. The only female member of the group, Stacie (Jamie Murray), uses her obvious sex appeal to get things done. Don’t be fooled by the looks though, there’s a cunning brain inside the bombshell. Stacie’s general roles include managing the team’s finances. The oldest member of the gang, Albert (Robert Vaughn), is what is best described in conning terms as a roper. Albert is responsible for luring potential victims, or marks, for the long con. Apart from judging a person within a few moments (ala cold reading) Albert is able to play on the mark’s weakness and set up the target for the rest of the team. He commands a great deal of respect from the rest of the team. And finally Ash (Robert Gleinster), the resident fixer. Ash is the proverbial go to guy for arranging everything from currency to conveyance to people to props. Apart from the 5, other fellow conmen make appearances in individual episodes. This guy reminds me of Morgan Freeman’s character from The Shawshank Redemption.
Two things make Hustle very special in my opinion. The first is the superior character selection. Every star seems to have been born for that role. While Danny and Mickey tend to hog the limelight, the other members and even some of the marks will definitely leave a mark on you (bad pun intended). The second is the moral code that runs deep within the gang. ‘You can’t cheat an honest man. It’s never been done before.’ And ‘We give them what they want, and take everything.’ are some among the many oft repeated phrases that you’ll find being employed.
That apart, I think one word best describes the series: style. Characters usually freeze time to explain a scenario and break the fourth wall on numerous occasions. The background score is almost always a peppy number, keeping in pace with the episode. These guys aren’t petty swindlers, they’re grifters. When they con, they con with flair and panache. Expect misdirection, expect hidden details, and expect the unexpected. This (the series) is their world, theirs for the taking.
Look out... THE CON IS ON.
PS: This review is based on my watching the first 3 seasons only.